Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Big Day - PET Scan

Wed. Dec 19, 2012 PET Scan
This morning, Lincoln and I left early to go to the hospital to have my PET Scan and get the results from my doctor. I have been praying and fasting that the cancer will be gone and if not, that I would be strong and patient with whatever the news would be.

The scan took 2 hours and we rushed over to the doctor's office to await the results. He entered the room with a very focused, concerned face. It wasn’t the smiling, happy face that I’m used to seeing with him. He began by explaining what he saw and it took us a bit to process what he was saying. In short, ALL the cancer that was previously in my left lung, lymph nodes and other small tumors on the left side of my chest are COMPLETELY gone, completely! Wahoo! 

But there appears to be another small ½ inch tumor in a lymph node that is just to the right of my sternum that has never shown up before. The doctor was perplexed and surprised as to why it’s there and how it could be there when it didn’t even show up on the August PET Scan. There is group of specialists that make up a Tumor Board. The board reviews cancer cases on a weekly basis to discuss situations like mine and they share their recommendations as how to proceed. He wants my case to go before the board and get their opinions.  The only problem is that the board doesn’t meet again until Jan. 9th, due to the holidays. He told us to still go to Seattle and enjoy our trip and we’ll figure this out when we return.

I came home in a bit of a stupor, trying to process it all. I know that a miracle has happened in that all of my previous cancer is GONE! That is a miracle. I was stage 3B and now that cancer is GONE! If the Lord could help me heal from that huge amount of cancer, I have no doubt that he can get rid of this little tumor as well. There was a plaque in the doctor’s office with a great quote that said, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” We are headed to Seattle to enjoy Christmas with my family and I plan on dancing in the rain A LOT!

My Birthday!

Tues. Dec. 18, 2012 
This morning Ashley and I went to have a pedicure together! That was one of my requests for my birthday. I want to have pretty toes for my PET Scan tomorrow and for our trip to Seattle later this week. Ashley and I laughed and giggled as an athletic, young man sat in the salon chair next to me and proceeded to have a pedicure AND requested red and green alternating nail polish on his toes. It was so funny and so hard NOT to stare! :0

Lisa & Ashley's beautiful toes!

With beautiful toes and soft feet, we hurried home where my friend and her daughter came to pick us up for my birthday lunch. As we walked out to Tracy’s car, I noticed that a dear man from my ward was happily shoveling our driveway. I asked him what he was doing and he responded, “It’s your birthday!” I couldn’t believe it!

A week or two ago, Tracy had asked if she and a friend could take me to lunch. I was thrilled. I figured it would be Tracy and Jeannee, but I started receiving emails and texts this morning from a number of sisters in the ward that were apologizing that they couldn’t make it to my birthday lunch today. I wondered what was going on.

As we approached restaurant, I saw many sisters from the neighborhood. I point blank asked Tracy, “WHAT is going on?! Is it more than just you and Jeannee?” She confessed that, “Well, there may be more than 4 people, maybe more than 6 or 8. In fact, there could be more than 10 or 12 people.” What?! I felt embarrassed! Then I reminded myself to take a deep and remember that “it’s not about me, it’s not about me” and to enjoy. Wait a minute, it’s my birthday. Today IS about me!

As we walked into the lobby of the restaurant, I was again overcome with emotion as I saw the entire lobby filled with sweet sisters from my ward. They had all come to celebrate with me. I just couldn’t believe that at this busy, busy time of year when I often don’t have time to celebrate my own birthday, that they had each taken time out of their schedules to celebrate with me. We had a wonderful time talking and laughing and being together. There were 19 sisters in all that came to support me. What a blessing!

Later, I had several friends drop by the house to wish me a happy birthday and to let me know they were thinking of me. Tonight I had a long talk with Heavenly Father about how grateful I am for the angels that are ministering to me in the form of beautiful women and men who are in my neighborhood, ward and community. It's a birthday that I'll never forget.

Michelle, Ashley and Tracy
RobbiAnn, Dana & Jennifer

Haley & Brenda
Marie, Kris, Cheryl and Deborah
Jeannee, Carol and Debbie

Christmas Concnert

The First Christmas

Mon. Dec. 17, 2012
Tonight Ashley, Lexy, Lincoln and I attended the Pleasant Grove High School Christmas Program. I love their music and the way that music helps me feel the spirit. We went for many years with Chad, Tyler, and Ashley when they were in the different choirs. I've missed attending the last two years. One section of the program was centered around songs of Jesus Christ and his birth. It was so beautiful. The lights were focused on a manger with a bright star over it. A wave of emotion swept over me as I felt my Savior’s love and the gratitude I have to still be here to enjoy this Christmas season with my family. I am grateful for tender mercies in my life and for the miracles that have happened to allow me to still me here. I love the Christmas season!

MRI Time

Wed. Nov. 28, 2012
Tracy took me to my MRI this morning and waited until I went in for the exam. It took about 1½ hours. Lincoln was there in the waiting room when I came out. I was told I’d have to wait 2 days for the results. I didn't want to wait that long, so we walked over to the doctor’s office and the secretary called the doctor at his Provo office. He spoke with me and said that he’d just received the images of my MRI and everything looked completely normal. Yay! He can only attribute my blurry vision to a strange side effect of the prednisone. He had me cut back a little on my dosage and told me he’d see me Dec. 6 for a check up on my lungs. 

As I walked out of the office, I was overcome with emotion of gratitude that I’m all right. Such tender mercies happen so often in my life and I recognize God’s sustaining influence in every daily. I’m so grateful to be alive.

Another trip to the doctor's office

Tues. Nov. 27, 2012
This morning I went to the temple. I’ve been so busy the last 2 weeks and I just NEEDED to make myself get there. There was a long hour wait, but it was so worth it.Being in the temple brings me strength and hope and peace. As I was finishing up, one of the temple workers, about 35 years old, stopped to tell me that she was a 12 year cancer survivor and told me to hang in there and keep up the good fight. The Lord continually places people in my path to strengthen me and lift me along the way. I know that He knows what I’m going through and that brings me peace and comfort.

My eyes have been a little blurry since I started on my Prednisone and I called the doctor’s office. They had me come in for a blood test to see if my blood sugar levels were out of whack. Later they called and told me that my blood sugar levels are fine, but that I need to go in to the hospital tomorrow and have an MRI of my brain. I couldn't believe it! I’m sure I’m fine and I hate to make such a big deal about this. I was worried about telling Lincoln because I hate giving him any more to worry about. I just have to move forward in faith and trust that everything will be all right.

Thanksgiving Get Away at Zermott

Nov. 21 - 24, 2012

We took all our kids to a condo at Zermott Resort in Midway, UT to enjoy some time away from life and make some memories. Two mornings, Lincoln and I went riding our bikes. I was able to ride 6 miles around town. I got a good workout, but it felt great. 

Later we came back and got all the kids and went to a park in town and had a fabulous 2 hour ultimate-frisbee game. We laughed and laughed together. Linc treated everyone to Slurpee’s afterwards and we took photos. Back at the condo, we played Pinochle, Phase 10 and the boys had fun playing Halo 4.

After dinner we decided to go to the indoor/outdoor pool. It was the first time that I’ve been able to be in ‘public water’ since I started treatment in March. I was brave and wore my BYU baseball cap instead of my wig. It was so much fun to hang out in the Jacuzzi with our kids and watch them play tag and chase each other having fun. The outdoor Jacuzzi was beautiful with the crisp fall air and the warm water. Back at the condo we ate ice cream and pie, and played Taboo and laughed. 

I am so humbly grateful for this trip that we've had together and that I’m still here to enjoy in these moments. I love the Lord. I love my family and I’m grateful for the miracles that have allowed me to still be here on this mortal experience.

Unexpected trip to the Doctor

Tues. Nov. 20, 2012
This afternoon I went in to see Dr. Clark, the radiation oncologist. I’ve had some difficulty taking deep breaths the last few weeks and the past 4 days have gotten worse. I even avoided going running/walking because I was concerned that something was wrong with my lungs. I’ve experienced increased fatigue and have been feeling feel wiped out. As I spoke with the doctor, he asked if I was also experiencing a dry cough. Yes I have! He sent me right over to the AF Hospital to have a CT scan of my chest and then I walked back to his office.

He took a look at the image and said, “That’s what I thought. You’ve got Radiation Pnuemonitis.” He explained it’s like pneumonia, but not. The radiation treatments caused some inflammation going on in my left lung and it’s making it more difficult for me to breath. He has put me on Prednisone, a steroid, for about 4-6 weeks to help my lungs heal and that should clear things up. I was so relieved! I thought that the cancer was back in my lungs and maybe that’s why I was having such a hard time breathing. What an emotional roller coaster one’s health challenges can be at times. I’m just grateful that everything is going to be fine. He told me I’ll feel an increase of energy in 2 days or so and then I’ll slowly heal. I can go out and exercise as much as my body feels able to do. Yay! Now I can enjoy Thanksgiving.